Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Vehicle Damage To Trees: Fixing A Tree Hit By Car
Book Review: 5 Stars for Stay Alive! Survival Skills You Need, By John D. McCann
Have you been looking for a book that covers survival kits and gear as well as basic survival skills? Stay Alive!: Survival Skills You Need, by John D McCann, is a book you should consider. After reading and reviewing the second edition of Read More
The post Book Review: 5 Stars for Stay Alive! Survival Skills You Need, By John D. McCann by Robert Camp appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Festive Cranberry Crunch Bark

Happy New Year! Here's to a fresh and new year that is about to unfold for all of us.
If you can stand one more sweet treat, I found this recipe from Pampered Chef several years ago and got it back out again this year for the Holidays. It’s a really good candy treat, with white chocolate, cranberries, rice crispy cereal, and almonds. Very tasty and easy to make. If you happen to need a dessert recipe, this is a good one. Very festive for Christmas and the whole Holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Years.
The post Festive Cranberry Crunch Bark appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
5 things I learned from lice
Lice – they’re something every parent hopes they never have to deal with. To have bugs crawling around and laying eggs in your hair or your child’s hair can send shivers up anyone’s spine and fill you with dread. But, Read More
The post 5 things I learned from lice by Sarah Anne Carter appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Buddhist Garden Ideas: Tips For Creating A Buddhist Garden
Progress at Ruby’s Lake House

I had not been back to Ruby’s lake house since the day that demolition began a few months ago. They showed up with big bulldozers and took the old house completely down to the ground and I had not seen the property since that day. It was such a thrill to go with Ruby recently to see the progress on the lake house and wow has it changed. If you missed the story that I did a few months ago about Ruby’s dream come true lake house, take a look at it. I’m so thrilled for my friends that they are getting the chance to build and live on the lake now, after downsizing from a huge home in a subdivision.
The post Progress at Ruby’s Lake House appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
The Best Prepper Guns List – Must Have Weapons for SHTF
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
As another year draws to a close, I find myself considering a host of issues that I routinely pause to reflect on at the end of each year. Since I started prepping back in 2007, my days to varying degrees are filled with a sense of expectation that wanes or increases with current events and […]
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Homeschooling: Where Academics & Survival Skills Meet
Homeschooling is quite an undertaking, but one of the great benefits of homeschooling is that you can teach your kids the real-world skills you think they will need to survive, not what some bureaucrat decreed. (For the life of me, Read More
The post Homeschooling: Where Academics & Survival Skills Meet by Teraesa Farrell appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Monday, December 29, 2014
Islamic Garden Plants: Creating Islamic Gardens And Landscapes
What Is A Jewish Garden: How To Create A Jewish Biblical Garden
A Survivalist’s Introduction to CPR
Written by Monica Gomez on The Prepper Journal.
It would be hard to call yourself a survivalist if you don’t know lifesaving CPR. That’s because if someone suffers cardiac arrest and you don’t know what to do, chances are, he or she will die within ten minutes if help doesn’t arrive, according to this infographic from If you’re in a situation where […]
The post A Survivalist’s Introduction to CPR appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
a new corn, bred for organic farms and gardens, tells a bigger story
WHAT MAKES THE SWEET CORN ‘Who Gets Kissed?’ stand out from other tempting catalog choices, besides its unusual name? It’s [read more…]
The post a new corn, bred for organic farms and gardens, tells a bigger story appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
My Opinion: Why I Feel Survival Moms Should Carry
I feel very strongly that women should not only carry a firearm, but be very knowledgeable on the gun they carry, know gun safety and know how to very accurately use their gun. Women and children are vulnerable and I Read More
The post My Opinion: Why I Feel Survival Moms Should Carry by Tammy Trayer appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Best Projects of 2014 Party!

It's always fun to look back and see what we've accomplished for the year, isn't it? This year is no exception and as I look back on 2014, I can see so many wonderful things that I'm happy to say I can cross off my list now. Making progress on a home is a rewarding thing and I have definitely made a lot of improvements on this fixer-upper of mine.
This wasn't the biggest year of projects for me, but we did manage to do a few high impact renovations around here, mostly on the exterior.
The post Best Projects of 2014 Party! appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
What Is A Hindu Garden: Tips For Creating Hindu Gardens
The Top Prepper Pins of 2014
I’ve been wading into deeper and deeper waters in the world of Pinterest and now use it as one of my primary search engines. I tracked down some of the most popular prepper/survival/homesteading pins of the past year, including my Read More
The post The Top Prepper Pins of 2014 by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
watch margaret and the birds on ‘growing a greener world’ tv
THE EXPRESSION ‘BIRDBRAIN’ is a disparaging one, but I beg to differ: I’m grateful that I had birds on my [read more…]
The post watch margaret and the birds on ‘growing a greener world’ tv appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Feeding Angels Trumpet: When And How To Fertilize Brugmansias
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Growing Holly Ferns: Information On Holly Fern Care
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Epiphyllum Plant Care: Tips For Growing Epiphyllum Cactus
Merry Christmas 2014!

My family is enjoying this week of Christmas celebration with my niece and her family here for the week. You can bet our first Christmas with this cute baby girl is blessing us to no end. She will no doubt be the center of attention as she takes in her first Christmas. She won't remember it, but we surely will!
The post Merry Christmas 2014! appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Putting Technology to Work to Create a Sane Christmas! (video bonus)
Every Christmas, my bedroom looks the same with wrapping paper, rolls of ribbon, receipts, and shopping bags all fighting for space on the floor and bed. I realized that yesterday and have made peace with it. I even took a Read More
The post Putting Technology to Work to Create a Sane Christmas! (video bonus) by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Written by Elijah Williams on The Prepper Journal.
This article was generously donated by Elijah Williams and covers plans for TEOTWAWKI from a perspective that we don’t often hear from in the prepping community. We do talk about the absence of law and order but that is typically from the thoughts of a disaster being too large for the current law enforcement community […]
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Christmas Cactus Cat Safety – Is Christmas Cactus Bad For Cats
“Build the Perfect Survival Kit”, by John D. McCann: Book Review
Do you need to put together a survival kit for your Everyday Carry, Bug Out Bag (BOB), an upcoming backpacking trip or your vehicle, to name just a few possibilities? I have an excellent resource to help you: The book Build the Read More
The post “Build the Perfect Survival Kit”, by John D. McCann: Book Review by Robert Camp appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Salted Caramel Chocolate Pecan Pie

We tried this delicious and decadent chocolate pecan pie over Thanksgiving and my mom made it for us. It was so yummy, so I thought I’d pass it along to all of you too. It’s a Southern Living recipe, Salted Caramel Chocolate Pecan Pie, so I’ll just link over to their recipe for you to print off if you want.
The post Salted Caramel Chocolate Pecan Pie appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Watering A Boston Fern: Learn About Boston Fern Watering Needs
birdnote q&a: christmas bird count (on holiday cards, and outdoors)
IF LIKE ME you know a lot of “bird people,” perhaps you’ve noticed a trend in the holiday cards you [read more…]
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Single Side Band for the Non-Technical Prepper
Written by Eleanor White on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: The following article was generously contributed by Eleanor White and you can download her entire article in PDF format by clicking on this link. The subject of prepper communications is serious and important to consider as part of a holistic approach to preparedness for your family. The ability to stay in contact with […]
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Charity Prepping
Many people donate to their church or to charities year round to support a cause or help those less fortunate. Have you ever considered combining your prepping activities with charitable giving? Rotating Your Food Stock When you’ve got your shelves full Read More
The post Charity Prepping by Amy Van Riper appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Debbie’s Blue and White Powder Room

My friend, Debbie and I go back many years, maybe close to 15 years now. She’s a dear friend of mine, a former school teacher, who retired from teaching and started her own business at home, Miss Lucy’s Monograms. That business has grown so much that her hubby and other staff members work hard to keep up with all the orders. It’s a total family business now. I’m so proud of her for finding another fun way to make a living and following her creative dreams. She’s been such a cheerleader for me and my blog and I treasure her friendship.
The post Debbie’s Blue and White Powder Room appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
2015 resolution: become a more thoughtful organic gardener, with jeff gillman
PROPOSED 2015 RESOLUTION: Become a more thoughtful organic gardener. Simply avoiding synthetic garden chemicals by swapping them out for a [read more…]
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Cherry Tree Not Weeping: Help, My Cherry Tree No Longer Weeps
Looking for some GREAT Leftover Ham Recipes?
Once the big meal is over, the family’s all gone, the dishes away, the question looms: What on earth will we do with all this leftover ham?!? (Or turkey.) Since food fights, using them as building materials, and putting them Read More
The post Looking for some GREAT Leftover Ham Recipes? by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Rootlike Growths On Christmas Cactus: Why Christmas Cactus Has Aerial Roots
How to Avoid Falling Victim to Mob Violence
Written by Dave Steen on The Prepper Journal.
In any severe crisis or disaster, there is a risk of a breakdown of society. Even if there isn’t a complete breakdown, there’s the possibility of demonstrations, rioting and mob violence. It doesn’t take much for a crowd to form, protesting something; all it takes is an expectation of bad news. Any crowd can quickly […]
The post How to Avoid Falling Victim to Mob Violence appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
9 Great Ideas to Improve Family Gatherings
Family gatherings. They happen throughout the year. Whether it’s a big holiday, like Thanksgiving or Christmas, or smaller ones like Memorial Day or Labor Day, or even a special event like a family reunion or a wedding, there are times Read More
The post 9 Great Ideas to Improve Family Gatherings by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Lights out
Written by James V DeLong on The Prepper Journal.
The following article has been generously contributed by James V. DeLong and appeared originally on the American Enterprise Institute. S. M. Stirling is a science fiction/fantasy writer who specializes in alternate future history. He likes to start from the question “what if X happened?” and then work out the ramifications over many volumes and decades. […]
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Feature Friday: Ellwood in Marietta

I met my friend, Lynn, three years ago when I was a docent in her beautiful historic home, Elwood, in Marietta. We became friends and I loved hearing about her history of buying old houses and fixing them up. I call her the real estate tycoon of Marietta, because she does indeed have lots of rental properties in this area, as well as others at the beach and mountains. I featured her beach house, a couple of years ago. It's gorgeous!
She’s a fascinating lady, a combination of real estate investor and artist, wife and mom. She’s well known around Old Marietta Square and has lived in Elwood for over 20 years. She showed me pics of the house when they bought it and wow, it looked like it needed to be torn down instead of restored. But, Lynn loves a good restoration project and tackled this house, making it a beautiful home for her family. Her husband is right there with her in their restoration efforts.
The post Feature Friday: Ellwood in Marietta appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Spike Moss Care: Information And Tips For Growing Spike Moss Plants
How to Survive a Blizzard in Your Vehicle
How do you survive if you become trapped in your vehicle during a blizzard? With winter fast approaching, this is a good question. The last few years have seen unseasonably cold and snowy winters in the U.S. Along with sustained Read More
The post How to Survive a Blizzard in Your Vehicle by Robert Camp appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Feature Friday: Elwood in Marietta

I met my friend, Lynn, three years ago when I was a docent in her beautiful historic home, Elwood, in Marietta. We became friends and I loved hearing about her history of buying old houses and fixing them up. I call her the real estate tycoon of Marietta, because she does indeed have lots of rental properties in this area, as well as others at the beach and mountains. I featured her beach house, a couple of years ago. It's gorgeous!
She’s a fascinating lady, a combination of real estate investor and artist, wife and mom. She’s well known around Old Marietta Square and has lived in Elwood for over 20 years. She showed me pics of the house when they bought it and wow, it looked like it needed to be torn down instead of restored. But, Lynn loves a good restoration project and tackled this house, making it a beautiful home for her family. Her husband is right there with her in their restoration efforts.
The post Feature Friday: Elwood in Marietta appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Passion Flower Not Fruiting: Why Passion Vine Flowers But Has No Fruit
Stock Your Pantry From Scratch: Homemade Apple Pie Filling
Apples just seem to overflow here at our homestead. And thankfully so! They are an excellent staple to have on the pantry shelf, easy to can & put up and best of all…delicious! If /when the SHTF, comfort foods will Read More
The post Stock Your Pantry From Scratch: Homemade Apple Pie Filling by Lisa Barthuly appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Creatively Christmas with Jen Rizzo

I have so many blog friends who have written books the last few years and another of my longtime blog friends is Jen Rizzo, who lives in the Chicago area. I think we started blogging the same year and she’s always been out there, doing beautiful things and sharing them with the blogosphere. She’s an artist and designer and loves vintage style decorating. She’s also been featured in Country Living, Romantic Homes and Somerset Living and now has written her own book, all about creating beautiful Christmas handmade Christmas decorations.
The post Creatively Christmas with Jen Rizzo appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
top 50 stories of 2014: tactical help, great plants
TOMATOES AND GARLIC and things for the shade. Tricks for success with seeds, and for putting up the harvest so [read more…]
The post top 50 stories of 2014: tactical help, great plants appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Christmas Cactus Toxicity: Care Of Christmas Cactus Around Pets
Understand and Prevent 4 Kinds of Heat Loss
Maintaining your core body temperature is critical in a survival situation. Hypothermia can set in even at relatively mild temperatures. A fact that is often lost on many people is that heat is energy and cold is merely the absence Read More
The post Understand and Prevent 4 Kinds of Heat Loss by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
EDC Contest Winner
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
I want to thank everyone who entered the EDC Gear contest and apologize for being tardy on announcing the winner. The winner of this contest is Vagabond and I will be contacting them about their Amazon gift card today. Look below to see what Vagabond carries every day. Gear List by Vagabond Wallet by […]
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Fashion over 50

I’ve got some fashion posts saved up so I thought I’d share another one with you. When I get dressed up, that’s when I want to take pics of myself. You certainly wouldn’t want to see me in my everyday clothes, which are mostly yoga pants and tennis shoes. Some days I don’t get dressed up at all, but when I do, I like to look nice. I love having lots of versatile pieces in my closet to mix and match. So, I’ll show you a little bit of how I mix up my clothes.
The post Fashion over 50 appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Holiday Fire Safety: Tips for the season and beyond
Halls decked with holly, a fresh pine adorned with hundreds of lights and glass ornaments, and scented candles spreading cheer — it’s a recipe for disaster! At this time of year, holiday fire safety is a major concern. In fact, this Read More
The post Holiday Fire Safety: Tips for the season and beyond by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
7 Ways to Lighten Your Bug Out Bag
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
In just a couple of weeks a lot of you are going to be making New Year’s resolutions and according to our good old government (not sure why they have to know this) the most common resolution is to lose weight. This is a great goal for a lot of people but as preppers we […]
The post 7 Ways to Lighten Your Bug Out Bag appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Colloidal Silver in Emergency Preparedness – pt. 2
Written by R. Barry King, PhD on The Prepper Journal.
Editors Note: This is the second article on the benefits of Colloidal Silver as part of a well-rounded preparedness plan by R. Barry King, PhD. You can read the first article of this series here. Part Two – Preparation and Use The term COLLOID refers to any substance that forms a particle so finely divided […]
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Controlling Prunella Weeds: How To Get Rid Of Self Heal
thinking ‘slow flowers’ year round, with debra prinzing
YES, IT’S WINTER, but take the “slow flowers” challenge now, anyway, says Debra Prinzing–especially with the holidays upon us. Slow, [read more…]
The post thinking ‘slow flowers’ year round, with debra prinzing appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Painting Gold Stripes on Candles

So, I’ve got one more project to share with you for FrogTape®. And, of course, it’s a Christmas idea. I’ve seen those pretty striped gold candles around, so I figured why not make my own. I took 2 white candles and taped them off with FrogTape and used my gold spray paint to spray stripes on them. They turned out really cute and I tried them out to make sure they wouldn’t blow up from the paint. I used them for my party last weekend and they they burned down more than 1/2 way with no problem at all. I love the added bling they bring to plain white candles.
The post Painting Gold Stripes on Candles appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Shriveled Poinsettia Plant: Fixing Poinsettia With Shriveled Leaves
5 Post-Emergency Herbs: The Calming Cuppa
Five Herbs for Emotional Support Post Emergency The experience of dealing with an emergency situation can leave you feeling shaken, drained, and upset. Stopping long enough to go through the familiar motions of making a cup of tea can give Read More
The post 5 Post-Emergency Herbs: The Calming Cuppa by Agatha Noveille appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Sunday, December 14, 2014
What’s in YOUR Wallet? The Art of EDC (Every Day Carry)
To far too many people, being “prepped” means accumulating piles and piles of stuff, much of which various so-called experts insist you carry with you at all times. Some of those folks apparently feel you should never leave the house Read More
The post What’s in YOUR Wallet? The Art of EDC (Every Day Carry) by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Prepping 101 – Organize your Prepping Supplies
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Since I started prepping officially back in late 2007 I have made quite a few purchases. Some of these have been incremental, single purchases and some have been raids of the local Walmart or Sam’s Club to buy a ton of items in one trip. When I do get to make trips like this I […]
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16 Non-Traditional Containers For Your Bug Out Bag/Emergency Kit
When it comes to selecting a bag for an emergency kit, many of us veer in the direction of tactical looking backpacks, or any type of backpack at all. And, it’s no wonder. A good backpack will have multiple pockets Read More
The post 16 Non-Traditional Containers For Your Bug Out Bag/Emergency Kit by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Cholla Cactus Care: Tips For Growing Cholla Cactus
say thank you to a cooperative extension staffer today
‘TIS THE SEASON to be jolly, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still be giving thanks. How about sending your [read more…]
The post say thank you to a cooperative extension staffer today appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Survival Lessons for Students from Sesame Street
Prepare even the youngest kiddos for common emergencies with online tools and resources! Rather than mom-to-mom wisdom, I’m sharing a compiled list of online tools and resources you can use to help you prepare your little ones mentally and physically Read More
The post Survival Lessons for Students from Sesame Street by Kris appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Friday, December 12, 2014
What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand?
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
The UN’s Arms Trade Treaty which covers everything from small arms to battle tanks, combat aircraft and warships – will enter into force on 24 December 2014, Christmas Eve. This treaty has not been ratified by our Congress but has the support of our Secretary of State, John Kerry who signed it and our President, […]
The post What Part of Shall Not Be Infringed Do You Not Understand? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Russian Olive Information: How To Grow An Elaeagnus Shrub
Christmas Home Tour 2014: Part 2

Today, I’m back with the rest of my house decorated for Christmas this year. It’s been nice to get it finished the first week of December and then have the rest of the month to just enjoy it all. And this year, I really am savoring the season. This is my third Christmas in my new house and this year it really feels finished and ready for me to enjoy and that’s a good feeling.
My friend, Chris from Just A Girl, hosts a Christmas blog hop every year along with a lot of talented bloggers, so I’m joining this party today and you can find lots more inspiration if you’re looking for it. Just follow the links and Chris has all the updated links on her blog too.
The post Christmas Home Tour 2014: Part 2 appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Sex after the apocalypse? When there is no birth control …
So, you think you have everything that you need in your preps? Think about this … After the apocalypse (or whatever scenario happens) and things settle, you might start getting comfortable with your food, water, and security. Then, you might Read More
The post Sex after the apocalypse? When there is no birth control … by Sarah Anne Carter appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
45 Recipes For the Potato Lover in You!
I adore potatoes. Grew up with baked potatoes served at every Sunday-after-church lunch and mashed potatoes in the school cafeteria (back in the days when cafeteria food was awesome!) To celebrate cooler weather, but, heck!, potatoes can be enjoyed year-round, Read More
The post 45 Recipes For the Potato Lover in You! by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Flower Wilt On Christmas Cactus: Fixing Wilting Christmas Cactus Blooms
Food Storage just isn’t for me!
I realize that I may be preaching to the choir here but then again, maybe not. Perhaps there are a few among the readers of this blog that will make a change because of it. Like most of us, I am not a Read More
The post Food Storage just isn’t for me! by Andrea Urban appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Well-Trained Babysitter
This may surprise you, but I was a lousy babysitter. I wasn’t interested in playing with my young charges, had to work hard to gin up any enthusiasm for their knock-knock jokes, and was always relieved when the parents got home. Read More
The post The Well-Trained Babysitter by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
gifts for gardeners 2014: best boots, cool beans, weed encyclopedia and more
I MADE A LIST and checked it twice—only to find out I am nothing if not consistent. My gifts for [read more…]
The post gifts for gardeners 2014: best boots, cool beans, weed encyclopedia and more appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Christmas Home Tour 2014: Part 1

Merry Christmas y’all! Are you getting in the Christmas spirit yet? I had fun this year taking my time with the decorating and started putting up my tree right before Thanksgiving. Then, I took my time with the rest of it and got it finished relatively stress free. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t like to be stressed out this time of year. And blogland tends to get in a little bit of a frenzy with all the home tours and so much else going on. So, I want to remind us all again this year, this is a season of peace and calm, not chaos and frenzy. I choose to celebrate without getting stressed out this year and I hope you’ll join me!
The post Christmas Home Tour 2014: Part 1 appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Your Reason for Prepping is Stupid
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Have you ever uttered these words or simply thought them to yourself? Have you maybe been talking to someone online or reading the comments on your favorite prepping site’s latest article and thought that the person commenting was an idiot for what they said their main concerns about the world were and their reasons for […]
The post Your Reason for Prepping is Stupid appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Christmas Star Orchids: Tips For Growing Star Orchid Plants
How can Bulletproof Vests Help Preppers Stay Protected this Winter?
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” – Winston Churchill Imagine a world in which you are unable to sleep soundly in your bed at night. Imagine those rough men are gone, perhaps they are too far away, […]
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Monday, December 8, 2014
World War C – The Cyber War That Cripples America
Written by Capt. William E. Simpson on The Prepper Journal.
Are Americans caught in the crossfire of a cyber-war between terrorists and the agencies of both foreign and domestic governments? These agencies, as well as certain rogue nations and terrorists are aggressively collecting information in many new ways and at multiple levels that target banking, government operations, industry and now the personal information on individual […]
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Yucca Uses – Can You Grow Yucca Plant As Food
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Sparkle and Cheer in the Dining Room

Today, I’m sharing some sparkle and shine from my dining room table that I set up for Christmas. I love adding pretty things to my sideboard during this time of year and I’m having my girlfriends over again this year, so it’s fun to celebrate and have the house looking pretty this time of year. I’ve always been a big fan of Christmas and everything that goes with it and love decking my halls for this season. This week will be a big one with lots of home tours in blogland, but again this year I don’t want to get caught up in the perfection of it all. Celebrating Christmas is all about the real meaning and sharing this time with our family and friends, so let’s all keep that in mind as we move into the next few weeks of festivities.
The post Sparkle and Cheer in the Dining Room appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
ancient grains and sprouted flours: ‘bread revolution,’ with peter reinhart (giveaway!)
MANKIND HAS BEEN MAKING BREAD in some form for 6,000 years, but lately bread—for the wheat it often contains—ends up [read more…]
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Tarantula Cactus Plant: How To Grow Tarantula Cactus
Enjoy road trips with kids? I do … now
Did you know that there is a dinosaur museum in Hays, Kansas? There’s also a huge duck pinwheel at an exit near the Missouri/Nebraska border. A bridge dedicated to the old wagon trail spans over I-80 in Kearney, Nebraska. Also, Read More
The post Enjoy road trips with kids? I do … now by Sarah Anne Carter appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Facebook Spies on You For The Government
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Editors Note: This video is courtesy of and discusses concerns with Facebook’s planned privacy policy update that is going into effect on Jan 1st. 2015. Yes, I am on Facebook and their are links to Facebook on this site for liking and sharing. For a very long time I resisted any connection with Facebook. […]
The post Facebook Spies on You For The Government appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Ginseng Growing Info: Learn About Ginseng Harvesting And Care
Leftover Turkey Recipes That Don’t Suck
The big meal is over. The sink is full of dishes. The stove has cooled down and the guests have gone home. Now it’s time to ask yourself the big question: where can I find some great leftover turkey recipes?!? Read More
The post Leftover Turkey Recipes That Don’t Suck by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Friday, December 5, 2014
50 Emergency Uses for a Phone Camera
In an emergency you’ll need to provide and receive help, and after it’s over, you’ll have to return, repair, and rebuild. Central to this is communication and documentation. Our society loves red tape, especially after disasters. Below are 50 ways Read More
The post 50 Emergency Uses for a Phone Camera by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Personal Hygiene First Aid
Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.
Editors Note: The following guest article has been generously contributed by Edna Thomson. In cases of emergency and situations, in which the only thing you can think of is survival, personal hygiene first aid is something you need to have previously prepared. To stay clean and keep your hygiene on the necessary level, here are […]
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Is Peanut Pumpkin Edible – Peanut Pumpkin Info And Care
Feature Friday: Christmas at the Biltmore House

While up in Asheville for the Grove Park Inn Gingerbread house competition, Lauren and I had the pleasure of visiting the Biltmore House on our first day there. All decorated for Christmas, it was truly a sight to behold and I took a few pics outside as they were still getting the big trees up and decorated on the front lawn. The folks at the Biltmore house also shared some beautiful photos with me to share with you of all the Christmas décor inside and outside the house, so you can get an up close look at the gorgeous Biltmore estate and how beautiful it looks during the Christmas holidays.
Since no pictures are allowed inside the house, you’re in for a treat!
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Thursday, December 4, 2014
Growing Mickey Mouse Plants: Information About Mickey Mouse Bush
The Moderate Minds of the Prepper Movement
Written by Antony Funnell on The Prepper Journal.
This article was originally published by Antony Funnell on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio National Network and gives some perspective and attention on prepping from our friends Down Under. Antony interviews Tom Martin who runs American Preppers Network. The ‘Prepper’ movement has become synonymous with apocalyptic fear-mongering and gun-toting paranoia, but as Antony Funnell discovers, there’s much […]
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014
The Top 10 Foods to NOT Store!
STOP! Before throwing any of these items away, read this post about repackaging food!! Based on my own personal experiences and mistakes, I do not recommend storing these foods in large quantities, long-term. Let me know what you think of Read More
The post The Top 10 Foods to NOT Store! by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
The Preparedness Review – Winter 2014 – Released!
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
The 5th Edition of The Preparedness Review (Winter 2014) has been released! TPR5 contains 18 articles, 67 pages of great preparedness content!!! The file size is a little over 2.4mb. The Preparedness Review is a quarterly magazine filled with great articles from prepper bloggers from all spheres of influence and schools of thought. TPR is […]
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my garden chores for december 2014
ONE LAST-MINUTE FIRE DRILL of outdoor chores, before it’s time to settle down with the seed catalogs: That’s December in [read more…]
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Makeshift Grill Ideas: Cooking When the Grid Goes Down
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
In my quest to think of creative (hopefully) ideas for articles on the Prepper Journal, I try to pull inspiration from a lot of places. Certainly my own efforts at prepping give me experiences that I can use to share information but I also read books, magazines, watch movies and TV shows and anytime I […]
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Panda Face Ginger Info: Tips For Growing Panda Face Ginger Plant
Common Sense Strategies for Teaching Gun Safety: Take Advantage of Experts & Their Resources
#5 Take advantage of experts and their resources The NRA offers gun safety training as do many shooting ranges, Fish and Game departments, sporting goods stores, and even firearm manufacturers. Often, this training is free. There’s no need to reinvent Read More
The post Common Sense Strategies for Teaching Gun Safety: Take Advantage of Experts & Their Resources by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
All Inspired Boutique Holiday Giveaway

t’s that time of year, time for more inspiration and giveaways!
I’ve introduced you before to Melissa, who is the entrepreneur behind All Inspired Boutique, a real brick and mortar store over in Johns Creek, a suburb of Atlanta. But, the best part is, All Inspired Boutique started as an online store, with lots of lovely and yes, inspiring items that women love. I’ve visited the store in person and it’s really a fun place for women to go and browse, from clothes, home décor, jewelry and more. But, even if you don’t live in Atlanta, you can still shop the store.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Looking for a UNIQUE Gift? Try Fiverr!
You can use these as ideas for unique gifts for Christmas, Thanksgiving centerpieces, Hanukkah gifts, or New Years Party favors. Heck, you can use most of them to celebrate the 4th of July if you want! What the heck is Read More
The post Looking for a UNIQUE Gift? Try Fiverr! by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
How to Prevent, Identify and Treat Frostbite
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Jack Frost nipping at your nose? Well, it’s that time of year to worry about getting nipped too hard by our cold natured friend. The colder weather makes me think of issues that I have to watch out for and one of them is frostbite. Frostbite can affect anyone and you don’t have to hike […]
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Christmas Tree Water Intake: Why A Christmas Tree Is Not Drinking
Hair Styles and Women over 50

Hair, we all have it and we all have to figure out what works for us. The hair fascination came naturally to all of us as we hit our teenage years. Hair is such an important extension of who we are as women and that continues our entire lives.
It started when we were teenagers and we can’t help but feel good or bad about ourselves, based on how our hair is performing day by day. It’s like it has a life of its own, our hair! Have you found the right style for you? It took me awhile, but I think I finally have found the style that's great for me going into my older years. I think many older women can get away with long hair, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. We all have to be honest with ourselves and take a good hard look at what is working for us and what needs improvement. If I had nice soft, bouncy hair, I'd probably wear it long too.
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Monday, December 1, 2014
Skill-Based Gift Ideas to Suit Every Survival Kid
Browsing through the lists of skills kids should know and have, it occurred to me that those lists are excellent resources for gift ideas! Here are just a few gift suggestions from each list. What’s extra tricky about these lists and Read More
The post Skill-Based Gift Ideas to Suit Every Survival Kid by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Ebola Fear Scares Many into Buying Water Filters
Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.
Test your Water to Know What’s Really in It Historically, people have occasionally been wide off the mark concerning water cleanliness and safety. Who can forget the iconic “Whites Only” drinking fountains of the last century designed to prevent disease-spreading between races? In the photo below from the Library of Congress archives, a young man is […]
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What’s a WaPI?
You might think that untreated water must be at a rolling boil – which occurs at 212°F (100°C) – for at least one minute in order to be safe to drink. Without any kind of temperature gauge, this is good Read More
The post What’s a WaPI? by Amy Van Riper appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Thanksgiving and Balsamic Roasted Green Beans

We were blessed again this year with a wonderful Thanksgiving day, so I wanted to share some of our highlights of food and spending time with family. As you can imagine, it was extra special this year with the addition of our sweet baby Parker. She delights all of us and all we want to do is watch her play and kiss her. She’s crawling up a storm and standing up now, so it won’t be long before she is walking.
The post Thanksgiving and Balsamic Roasted Green Beans appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Witches’ Broom In Blueberry: Treating Blueberry Bushes With Witches’ Broom
more music, and a rant on why i keep on gardening
THIS AS YOU probably know is not Garden Rant dot com–that’s another website altogether, one run by a whole group [read more…]
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Saturday, November 29, 2014
Selecting the Right Holster for the Job
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
This post might get some push-back from my military service friends but I welcome the comments. I have been meaning to write about various holster options for a while and what I believe based upon my experiences with holsters I own and my perceptions of various factors in a grid down situation. I decided to […]
The post Selecting the Right Holster for the Job appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Christmas Tree Alternatives: Learn About Non Traditional Christmas Trees
Sudden Plant Death: Reasons A Houseplant Is Turning Brown And Dying
T-Fal Clipso Pressure Cooker & the Zabada Kitchen Handy: A+ Review and a GIVEAWAY
My mom frequently used a pressure cooker throughout my childhood to make her incredible ham and beans, steamed artichokes, and many, many other dishes. I grew up thinking that artichokes just naturally cooked and were ready to eat in about 25 Read More
The post T-Fal Clipso Pressure Cooker & the Zabada Kitchen Handy: A+ Review and a GIVEAWAY by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Bug Out Bag for Dogs: Make sure your dog is prepared
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Bugging out to the hills is a plan during a SHTF event for a lot of preppers and we spend hours planning out what items to pack in our bug out bags. In the arc of prepping; after procuring food and water, it seems the natural focus of many preppers is the bug out bag. […]
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Strophanthus Plant Care: How To Grow Spider Tresses
Root Nodules On Boston Fern: What Are The Balls On Roots Of Fern Plants
32 Basic Survival Skills for Kids
Kids come in all ages. Not all skills are appropriate for younger kids, in particular. Basic Survival 1. Trust your instincts 2. Develop situational awareness 3. Think ahead and always have a plan. 4. Pack own survival pack 5. Be Read More
The post 32 Basic Survival Skills for Kids by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Atlanta Home for the Holidays Showhouse Tour

Again this year, I had the pleasure of visiting Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles Home for the Holiday decorator showhouse in Buckhead. It’s a newly built home on Habersham Road, a 7,200 s.f. English style home sited on top of a hill. Inspired by the English Arts and Crafts style, the stone and brick residence, designed by Harrison Design and built by Sheehan Built Homes, the home fits right in with the lovely landscape it is nestled in.
So, come along with me for a tour of this stately home, all decked out for Christmas. The Christmas décor is there in subtle nods to the Holiday. I’m not going to narrate all the pics, so just enjoy the views. I will add the designer names along the way. There are a few pics mixed in that came from the Press kit.
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Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Holiday Cactus Plant: Tips For Growing Thanksgiving Cactus
Indoor Atrium Garden: What Plants Do Well In An Atrium
Happy Thanksgiving 2014!

Today, I'll be gathering with my sweet family and we'll be offering up thanks for a wonderful and blessed year and I hope that you are doing the same. I love my family and am so grateful that they are mine. Lauren and Philip will be with us again this year, along with that sweet baby girl, Parker,and I have to tell you that life is so much more fun with her in the family.
She lights up our life!
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Wednesday, November 26, 2014
We Are Truly Blessed
Even for those of us who are not religious or don’t spend much time thinking about our faith, there are days when we should all take a moment to do just that. Some days, like Christmas and Easter, are undeniable Read More
The post We Are Truly Blessed by Liz Long appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
20+ Foods that must be re-packaged for long-term storage and how to repackage them
As a follow-up to my blog post about which foods you shouldn’t plan on storing long-term, here’s a list of foods typically found at grocery stores that can be stored but must be repackaged. Keep in mind, that by repackaging Read More
The post 20+ Foods that must be re-packaged for long-term storage and how to repackage them by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Garlic Planting In Pots: Tips For Growing Garlic In Containers
Holiday Cactus Varieties: What Are The Different Types Of Holiday Cactus
snags, or wildlife trees: cultivate, don’t cart away, dead, dying, and hazard trees
SNAG. Not as in my pantyhose, which I haven’t worn since departing the corporate world seven years back for an [read more…]
The post snags, or wildlife trees: cultivate, don’t cart away, dead, dying, and hazard trees appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Red and White Christmas Craft

I still love red and white for Christmas and enjoy using red, white, and lime green in my kitchen. Those colors are happy and really fit well with my white kitchen. So, this month for my FrogTape® project, I found a cute metal cylinder container which I thought would be perfect for Christmas decorating. I’ll find a spot to use it this year.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2014
#madebymen or otherwise, broken arrow holiday wreaths are #madewithimagination
IT WAS THE HASHTAG #madebymen that got me, when I saw it on Broken Arrow Nursery manager Andy Brand’s Facebook [read more…]
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Willowherb Information: Tips For The Control Of Willowherb
Plants Rabbits Don’t Like: Common Rabbit Proof Plants
Everything But the House Online Auction

You all know I love shopping second hand finds at yardsales, estate sales, and even in real life auctions. I’ve been to a few of those over the years and they are always entertaining.
Online auctions have been around for a long time now and probably most of us have tried it out once or twice. The internet has opened up the world to us and now we can shop from the comfort of home and look at items all across the country that we’d never see otherwise. I am sharing with you today an online auction site that I’m partnering with for this post called Everything But the House. It’s sort of an estate sale online. I love estate sales! Walking into a house that has everything for sale is always an adventure, when an estate sale comes about. It’s a sad time for the family, but it’s a great way to shop for those unusual things that we might want to take home.
The post Everything But the House Online Auction appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Colloidal Silver in Emergency Preparedness
Written by R. Barry King, PhD on The Prepper Journal.
Silver in all forms has been employed by mankind for its antiseptic qualities over millennia. The Greeks and Romans used a silver coin to purify bad water and to preserve milk and wine. In later times, a silver coin was taped to the umbilical wound of a newborn child to prevent infection. A silver solution […]
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24 Ways to Prepare for Your Spring Garden in the Dead of Winter
It can be hard to think about gardening when it’s below freezing, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Cold weather is the perfect time for planning! If you are thinking (like I might have perhaps thought in the past) Read More
The post 24 Ways to Prepare for Your Spring Garden in the Dead of Winter by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Monday, November 24, 2014
Preppers Are the Modern Survivalists
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Preppers and Survivalists. We throw those terms around to describe two very different groups of people. At first blush, the people who seem to align themselves with the term survivalist are seeking ways of living with virtually no assistance whatsoever. Survivalists of today and even the more distant past pride themselves on being able to […]
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5 Uses for an Indoor Tent
PEST FREE During a family vacation and faced with an unexpected storm, we decided to rent a small unfurnished cabin at a state park. As soon as we had our sleeping bags spread on the floor, our pillows fluffed, and Read More
The post 5 Uses for an Indoor Tent by Helen Ruth appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Canopy Thinning: Tips For Thinning Canopies In Trees
Boston Ivy On Walls: Will Boston Ivy Vines Damage Walls
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Tapeworm Plant Care – How To Grow A Tapeworm Plant
Grove Park Inn Gingerbread House Competition 2014
Last weekend was such a thrill for me, as I was invited to be a judge this year at the Omni Grove Park Inn’s 22nd annual National Gingerbread House competition. This event was something I had vaguely heard about, but really didn’t know how it all worked. My niece, Lauren, however, has been following the competition for 10 years, watching the shows on the Food Network and following along every year to see the winners after they were chosen. She knew all about it and I was so happy to be able to take her along with me. It was a great time for aunt and niece to spend time together. The last time we did a trip by ourselves was back in 2003 when we took a Caribbean cruise together and that was a blast too.
The post Grove Park Inn Gingerbread House Competition 2014 appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Why Is My Anthurium Droopy: How To Fix An Anthurium With Drooping Leaves
garden-soil makeover: a how-to with joe lamp’l
QUICK, BEFORE THE FROST gets hold of the ground for good, do it: Take a soil test, to send off [read more…]
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Saturday, November 22, 2014
garden cart, or wheelbarrow? expert thoughts on which one’s the better fit (or gift)
CART, OR WHEELBARROW: Where do you stand in the debate? Both family members and readers keep seeking advice, but my [read more…]
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Too Late to Fix Things and Too Early to Fight
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
As we head into another weekend I am burdened by the same thoughts I have had for years when confronted with the latest political news pouring out of the media. The President has just declared an executive order that will allow for up to 5 million illegal aliens to stay in our country. I won’t […]
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Bird Of Paradise Plant Freeze: Is Bird Of Paradise Cold Hardy
Dem Bones: First Aid and Herbal Response for Fractures
Bone fractures are definitely emergencies that require standard first aid followed by professional medical care from a doctor. However, there are several ways herbs can be utilized as whole body support after emergency medical care has been given. Before we Read More
The post Dem Bones: First Aid and Herbal Response for Fractures by Agatha Noveille appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Parboiled Rice: The Rice You’ve Never Heard Of
In our family, rice, not potatoes, is King of the Starches. This is because my husband grew up in places like Hawaii, Guam, and the Marshall Islands, eating rice every day of his life. When I started stocking up on Read More
The post Parboiled Rice: The Rice You’ve Never Heard Of by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
What Is A Mosquito Fern: Mosquito Fern Habitat Info And More
Survival Gear: Tools to Get You through Any Crisis
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Bug Out Essentials to help you survive during and after any disaster If I only had a … Have you ever caught yourself saying that? I don’t mean when you are sitting in the living room watching a football game and the commercials for the Big Screen TV sale coming up on Black Friday start […]
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Growing Sedge Plants: Cultivating Different Types Of Sedge
The Survival Mom Radio Network Signs Off
Two years ago a friendly acquaintance on Facebook said to me, “Lisa, why don’t you create your own podcast network?” I had been tossing around some ideas with him about setting up my own podcast and, possibly, joining a network. Read More
The post The Survival Mom Radio Network Signs Off by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
links: robins can count; turkey talk; topiary master; wasted food
DID YOU KNOW that robins can count, or that food (not paper or plastic) is the biggest single source of [read more…]
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The Living Off the Land Fallacy
A common plan tossed around by survivalists and preppers is this idea that in the event of martial law or some other crisis, they are going to head off to the hills, presumably for weeks or months, and just live Read More
The post The Living Off the Land Fallacy by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Arhaus Furniture Avalon Store

A few weeks ago, a huge retail/residential complex opened on the other side of town from me called Avalon, over in Alpharetta. If you are in Atlanta you have probably been hearing about this grand place for months and now it’s finally open. I got an invite to the grand opening of one of the stores that I really wanted to check out anyway, so I did just that. Arhaus is a furniture and accessories store that I’ve heard about many times before, but have never visited one in person. It’s quite impressive with lots of unique furniture and accessory pieces. The styling was really nice too and I asked them if I could take pics and share and of course, they didn’t mind.
The post Arhaus Furniture Avalon Store appeared first on Southern Hospitality.