By Stan V. (Stan the Roseman) Griep American Rose Society Certified Consulting Rosarian – Rocky Mountain District The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that emergency rooms treat more than 400,000 garden related accidents each year. Taking proper care of our hands and arms while working in the garden is extremely important in preventing some of these accidents. The thorn on a rose stem provides an excellent device for transmitting infectious material into your skin, as is seen with rose picker’s disease, a fungus from rose thorns. Read on to learn more. What is Rose Picker’s Disease? I had never heard of rose picker’s disease or the Sporothrix schenckii fungus until about 8 years ago now. Had someone told me about this before, then I would have thought they were joking due to my being a Rosarian. However, the disease and the fungus became very real to me when my
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