Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Using Tree Stumps As Planters – Learn How To Make A Tree Stump Planter For Flowers

DIY No-Sew Waterproof Picnic Blanket
Can’t sew? No worries! A bit of fleece, some scissors, and a little patience are all you need for a one-of-a-kind blanket. This no-sew blanket is perfect if you’re looking for a quick, easy project for yourself, the kids, or Read More
The post DIY No-Sew Waterproof Picnic Blanket by Kris appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Covering Your Tracks – Pt. 1
Written by Bolo on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: This article has been generously contributed by Bolo and brings up another interesting subject. What if you were forced to flee and needed to avoid detection at all costs? Would you know how to prevent a professional tracker from finding you and possibly your family or survival group? This is the first in […]
The post Covering Your Tracks – Pt. 1 appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Mittleider Garden Method: What Is Mittleider Gardening

april garden chores
WE ARE NOT POWERLESS over April–even though in most areas, it’s a contender for the busiest month of the garden [read more…]
The post april garden chores appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Love the Home You Have

So many of my blog friends have written books and the latest is Melissa, who you all know from popular blog, The Inspired Room. She and I have been bloggy friends since the beginning and we both started blogging in 2007, so we go way back. She's a sweet friend and I love that she has written her first (of many) books and Love the Home You Have speaks to all of us who are so into making our homes live the best that they possibly can for ourselves and families.
The post Love the Home You Have appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Your SHTF Dental Plan: Supplies to stock up on, skills to learn
I didn’t get my first cavity until I was 27 years old. Honest. My teeth were in absolute perfect condition for almost 3 decades. I didn’t even need to wear braces. Survival dental health wasn’t even on my radar. So, Read More
The post Your SHTF Dental Plan: Supplies to stock up on, skills to learn by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Propagating Lemon Seeds: Can You Grow A Lemon Tree Seed

Sunday, March 29, 2015
What Is Reseeding: How To Manage Self-Seeders

Adding New Windows to a House

Let there be light is what the title of this post really should be!
It really is amazing how bringing light into a house can change the mood of a room. What was once a dungeon like experience now is filled with natural light. I finally got windows installed in my downstairs den and I am just thrilled with the outcome. It's more dramatic than you can imagine and it's another project that has been on my wish list since moving in this house over 2 years ago. Little by little, this house has been transformed into the cutest little cottage ever.
And truly adding windows is one of the BEST things I could have done to improve the den space and the exterior view is also improved. Curb appeal to the max!
The post Adding New Windows to a House appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Care Of Watercress: Growing Watercress Plants In Gardens

giveaway: ‘the tao of vegetable gardening,’ with carol deppe
IT’S THE GOAL: to use each square foot of vegetable-growing space to best advantage. But the puzzle of what goes [read more…]
The post giveaway: ‘the tao of vegetable gardening,’ with carol deppe appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Clematis Vines For Spring – Types Of Spring Flowering Clematis

Maple Tree Tar Spot – Managing Tar Spot Of Maples

Friday, March 27, 2015
Dividing Rhubarb Plants: How And When To Divide Rhubarb

weekend reading: the blue in bluebirds; tick research; a doll of a d.i.y. house
WHY ARE BLUEBIRDS blue? That and other stories caught my eye recently–along with the latest updates on ticks, glyphosate, and [read more…]
The post weekend reading: the blue in bluebirds; tick research; a doll of a d.i.y. house appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Feature Friday: Jenna Sue Designs

I'm back today on Feature Friday with another blogger who I've recently discovered. There are so many bloggers who are new to me out there and I am blown away by the talent of these bloggers I keep running across. Today's feature is Jenna Sue from Jenna Sue Designs. Jenna Sue is living her dream and started her Etsy business in 2011, selling her own graphic design prints. It has been so successful she quit her day job later that year and is now blogging and selling on Etsy full-time. Love seeing all the successes out there!
She's not really new and has been blogging since 2010, but I recently saw her 1970's house renovation for the first time. Mind blown, y'all! I love my 70's renovation, but her's is truly amazing. You have to go and see the before pics to really appreciate it all, but she and her husband have done an outstanding job on this California house in the hills. There ain't nothing 70's about this house now!
The post Feature Friday: Jenna Sue Designs appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Purple Deadnettle Control: Getting Rid Of Deadnettle Weeds

Is a Storage Unit a Viable Survival Cache?
For quite some time now, caches have been rather popular amongst the prepper/survivalist crowd. Most commonly, this involves filling a large diameter PVC tube with gear and supplies, sealing it up, then burying it. Often, these caches are hidden somewhere Read More
The post Is a Storage Unit a Viable Survival Cache? by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
birdnote q&a: the much-maligned brown-headed cowbird
‘THAT’S A BAD BIRD,’ we may say in judgment of the brown-headed cowbird, who uses the nests (and nanny services) [read more…]
The post birdnote q&a: the much-maligned brown-headed cowbird appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Forcing Cherry Blossom Branches

Ahhhh, Spring!
It's full blown spring here in Georgia and I couldn't be happier. The pink cherry tree in my front yard is about to explode in those soft and billowy blooms that I absolutely love. The pink dogwood tree isn't far behind either. So, this time of year I love to clip off a few branches from the cherry tree and bring them indoors to enjoy on my foyer table.
All you do is clip some branches, stick them in water and watch them explode into pinkness!
The post Forcing Cherry Blossom Branches appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Three Thrifty Ways To Increase Your Yarn Stash
Within the community of knitters and crocheters, “yarn stash,” or sometimes just “stash,” is an actual term. It refers to the amount of yarn one has hiding in the closet or under the bed, likely in an attempt to keep Read More
The post Three Thrifty Ways To Increase Your Yarn Stash by Beth Buck appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Why You Should Include Junk Food in Your Food Storage Pantry
Disasters are stressful, no question about it. The power goes out, maybe the water and heat along with it. The kids are whining and probably at least a little scared. You and your spouse are edgy, perhaps getting more than Read More
The post Why You Should Include Junk Food in Your Food Storage Pantry by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Hand Pollinating Lime Trees: How To Hand Pollinate A Lime Tree

Fashion Over 50: More Booties

So today, I'm back with more fashion and sharing the spring sweater I got from Chico's recently. I wore it 2 different ways, so see what you think. I love having pieces that I can mix up and change them out for different looks.
The post Fashion Over 50: More Booties appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Learn to Crochet With Free, Online Resources
When I was pregnant with my son more than 16 years ago, I wanted to learn to knit. He was my first baby and I figured all good moms should know how to make baby blankets and booties. I tried Read More
The post Learn to Crochet With Free, Online Resources by Amy Van Riper appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Fuchsia Bud Drop: Reasons Why Fuchsia Is Dropping Buds

doodle by andre: portrait of a marriage
THERE AIN’T A CROCUS to be seen here yet, but up popped Andre Jordan, the Mad Doodler of South Dakota [read more…]
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Using Young Living Essential Oils

You all know that I talk a lot about healthy eating and fitness on my blog. And I believe in living a healthy lifestyle even more now than ever. Getting older will do that to you! I go to the chiropractor once a month for maintenance on my back and he scans me with a machine called a Zyto machine. It's sort of a weird machine that I was a bit skeptical of at first, but it can pick up areas in the body that are out of synch. I'm on a lot of natural vitamins and supplements too that keep me going and help me stay healthy. I have back and hip issues and he has me on Niacin and Tumeric, which is supposed to help with inflammation and I have been helped since going to him in the last 9 months. So, being healthy is always at the top of my mind and I want to do all I can to stay healthy as I continue aging.
The post Using Young Living Essential Oils appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Monday, March 23, 2015
My secret ingredient: Buttermilk!
About two years ago, I decided to stop buying pre-made baking mixes and start making pancakes, muffins, waffles and biscuits from scratch. They tasted great, and I was glad I made the switch from store-bought to homemade. And then I discovered Read More
The post My secret ingredient: Buttermilk! by Sarah Anne Carter appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Making A Spore Print: How To Harvest Mushroom Spores

thick, creamy slow-cooker yogurt, with alana chernila
READY TO MAKE YOGURT—but perhaps more easily, and slowly, than ever before? Think slow-cooker, as in: In the Crockpot. My [read more…]
The post thick, creamy slow-cooker yogurt, with alana chernila appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Easy Care Houseplants: Indoor Plants That Are Hard To Kill

White Rabbit Cottage in West Cobb

This weekend has been exciting around my house, but right now it's complete chaos in at least 3 rooms. In my living room, I'm moving some furniture around, so it's all in disarray and my contractors finally got here and installed my new sliding glass door from Pella. Also, they are working on finishing up adding the new windows in my den space, so things are moving and shaking around here. I'll be back soon to share all the updates in each area as they are finished, can hardly wait!
Today, let's do a little shopping. I've shared this cute little shop with you before, but it's always fun to stop in White Rabbit Cottage in West Cobb to browse in the Spring.
The post White Rabbit Cottage in West Cobb appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Common Garlic Problems: Treating Garlic Problems In The Garden

a rainbow of peas, with peace seedlings
‘THE DREAM has always been a rainbow of peas,” Dylana Kapuler of Peace Seedlings was saying over the phone line, [read more…]
The post a rainbow of peas, with peace seedlings appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Self-Storage Survival: Cache Option for Preppers?
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Many of you have thought about where you should store your prepping supplies. As you accumulate more food, gear and tools, you may find yourself getting creative with the space you have in your home. In the beginning, my main focus was food and the logical place was to simply put more food on the […]
The post Self-Storage Survival: Cache Option for Preppers? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Garlic Plant Bulbils: Tips For Growing Garlic From Bulbils

What Is Pyola: Using Pyola Oil Spray For Pests In Gardens
Friday, March 20, 2015
Boston Fern Turning Brown: Treating Brown Fronds On Boston Fern Plant

What Is Pink Root Onion Disease

A Hole in the Dark: Techniques for Maintaining a Dark Camp
Written by Bolo on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: This article has been generously contributed by Bolo. Introduction “When the system breaks down, we all break down.” – Sgt. Barnes – Platoon Tactical camping is a great way to develop and sharpen many essential survival skills. But, beyond these skills there is a particular discipline that needs to be practiced; one that […]
The post A Hole in the Dark: Techniques for Maintaining a Dark Camp appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
hello spring, goodbye nervous breakdowns
MAN, THAT WAS a bad winter is right. Technically it ended last night—March 20, 2015 at 6:45 PM EDT—though I’m [read more…]
The post hello spring, goodbye nervous breakdowns appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Feature Friday: Primitive and Proper

Today's Feature Friday is sweet blogger, Cassie, from Primitive and Proper. I have met Cassie at the Haven Conference and even though we haven't spent a lot of time together, I know I would enjoy being around her. She loves repurposing old things, vintage finds, and her home definitely has that collected over time look. She's not afraid of mid-century modern, mixed with industrial and more and her home oozes charm and fun.
The post Feature Friday: Primitive and Proper appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
8 Reasons to Support Local Farmers
Think about all the items you put in your cart at the supermarket or megastore. Do you feel you paid a fair price for that product? If you have questions about a particular item, would you know who you could Read More
The post 8 Reasons to Support Local Farmers by Brandy Schau Dibert appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Quilting: Wrap Your Family in Love
When my 14 year-old was a newborn, I chose to resign my teaching position and become a stay-at-home mom. After three months I found myself in need of a hobby. My husband suggested I learn how to quilt. It has become Read More
The post Quilting: Wrap Your Family in Love by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Protecting Roses In Winter: How To Repair Winter Damage To Roses

Worst Case Scenario: Taking Back Your Home From Intruders, Part 2
In Part 1 of “Taking Back Your Home From Intruders” I introduced the possibility that your home or other property could be taken over by other people in a scenario such as this one: A catastrophic disaster has occurred, one Read More
The post Worst Case Scenario: Taking Back Your Home From Intruders, Part 2 by Jim Acosta appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Japanese Aralia Care: How To Grow Fatsia Japonica

BHG Kitchen & Bath Makeovers Spring

It's another exciting day for me! Two years ago, my kitchen and guest bath were photographed for Better Homes and Gardens Kitchen and Bath Makeovers magazine. My kitchen was featured last Spring and now this year, the guest bath finally graced the pages of this iconic magazine that I've been reading for years. I shared all about the photoshoot 2 years ago. It takes awhile for stories to get to print.
It's not the MAIN BHG magazine, but Kitchen and Bath Makeovers, one of their special issue magazines. Even so, that doesn't lessen my excitement at getting featured in another magazine. This is dream come true stuff, people!
The post BHG Kitchen & Bath Makeovers Spring appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
4 Things To Consider When Choosing a Dojo
My husband and I have been taking Karate from the same instructor since 2008. We started training together before we had children and would attend Karate-related events as romantic dates. We learned a lot, including how to choose a dojo. Read More
The post 4 Things To Consider When Choosing a Dojo by Beth Buck appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Wild Turkey Control: Managing Wild Turkey Pests In Gardens

since you asked: is copper sulfate a chemical?
READER DAVID wrote in to ask: “What do you consider a chemical? Is copper sulfate one?” new feature: ‘since you [read more…]
The post since you asked: is copper sulfate a chemical? appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Shedding some light on flashlights
One of the first things we usually lose in a disaster is electricity. Sometimes the power outage IS the crisis, of course, but it is almost always a side effect of other emergencies as well. While the loss of power Read More
The post Shedding some light on flashlights by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Fashion Over 50: Thriftstore Shopping

My friend, Vicki, is back today to model a few things that she has found at the thriftstore. She started shopping at the thriftstores many years ago and has found some great deals there, adding to her wardrobe at very little cost. She shared the brands she has found there and I too have found some good brands at the thriftstores. If you are willing to dig a little, treasures are there!
So today, we are going to share how just adding a colorful top with a basic pair of black pants can enhance your closet and allow you to mix things up for some fun just by adding different colors. This is especially good for this time of year, with Spring here now.
The post Fashion Over 50: Thriftstore Shopping appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Azalea Is Not Leafing Out: Why Are There No Leaves On My Azalea

Abandoned Mines: SHTF Survival Shelter Option? Pt. 2
Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: This is the second part of a two-part article that was generously contributed by Bolo. In case you missed it, you can read the first part here. These two articles cover a wide spectrum of information on the subject of abandoned mines. As I mentioned yesterday, these mines could provide survival shelter and […]
The post Abandoned Mines: SHTF Survival Shelter Option? Pt. 2 appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Updating Furniture with Paint

This post is especially appropriate for St. Patricks Day, so Happy St. Patricks Day to you. I'm gettin' my green on today!
As I mentioned yesterday, this desk that I found over 10 years ago at a yardsale for $25 is now getting it's 2nd transformation in my house. I love when I can keep a good solid wood (Henredon) piece of furniture for so long, getting mileage out of it for years with a paint treatment. This one started off natural wood when I bought it, then with black paint and now it's green. A lovely shade of kelly green.
The post Updating Furniture with Paint appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
5 reasons to buy old cookbooks
I keep my eye out for old cookbooks when I go to thrift stores or garage sales. They are part of the books we keep on hand for reference material and I like to buy old cookbooks for many reasons. Read More
The post 5 reasons to buy old cookbooks by Sarah Anne Carter appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Crocus Planting Tips: Learn When To Plant Crocus Bulbs

How Corned Beef is Like Bill Murray
Corned Beef is a lot like Bill Murray, and if you’re wondering, what is corned beef?, hang in there with me! Bill Murray is so exceptional at the first thing we knew him for (absurdist comedy), that despite ample evidence Read More
The post How Corned Beef is Like Bill Murray by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Citrus Fruit Brown Rot: Tips For Brown Rot Control On Citrus
Abandoned Mines: SHTF Survival Shelter Option? Pt. 1
Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part article that was generously contributed by Bolo. It covers an amazing amount of information on the subject of abandoned mines. For the adventurous soul, these mines could provide survival shelter and security opportunities in a SHTF scenario. Bolo outlines in great detail the safety precautions and […]
The post Abandoned Mines: SHTF Survival Shelter Option? Pt. 1 appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Living Room Changes

So, today's post is all about how my head works when it comes to decorating, so I'm going to try to share the process that I go through when I go about updating a space. Most of us can't start completely over in a room and we are always tweaking, adding and subtracting to get a new look.
When I moved in 2 years ago, I added more turquoise to my living room with the turquoise zebra rug and the Ikat fabric on the windows. Little touches of turquoise were added around the room. I've enjoyed it a lot, but there was still a lot of gold in the room.
The post Living Room Changes appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
squash bugs and other squash problems, with diane alston of utah state
WHEN READERS SAY, “I can’t grow cucurbits,” or, “Forget squash—I surrender,” I take notice. An incredibly helpful report on controlling [read more…]
The post squash bugs and other squash problems, with diane alston of utah state appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Build your Food Storage from Scratch: Canning Chicken Breast
It makes me a bit nervous having a freezer full of meats… the grid goes down and we’re up a creek. There’s no way I could can it all fast enough to save it. So, while we’re in a grid Read More
The post Build your Food Storage from Scratch: Canning Chicken Breast by Lisa Barthuly appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Fertilization Of Garlic: Tips On Feeding Garlic Plants

Wonderberry Plant Info: What Is Wonderberry And Is It Edible
Saturday, March 14, 2015
In the Midst of a Collapse, Could There Be a Second Chance for Financial Freedom?
Could our current, shaky economy and a potential economic collapse bring unparalleled opportunities for anyone wanting a second chance for financial freedom? It just might, according to Robert Kiyosaki. I was asked by the RichDad company to review Kiyosaki’s latest book, Second Read More
The post In the Midst of a Collapse, Could There Be a Second Chance for Financial Freedom? by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
What is the Best AR-15 Scope for SHTF?
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
If you have an AR-15 or any rifle really, and you plan on using this in a defensive role should the need arise, you need to consider what is the best scope for your use. Even if you have the venerable AK-47, the scope that you use will greatly determine your capabilities after your natural […]
The post What is the Best AR-15 Scope for SHTF? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
My Crocus Won’t Flower: Reasons For A Crocus Not Blooming

Leaf Gall On Azaleas: How To Treat Azalea Leaf Gall

Friday, March 13, 2015
Why A Pepper Plant Won’t Produce Flowers Or Fruit

Lavatera Care: Tips For Growing Lavatera Rose Mallow

4 Tips to Keep Fear from Wrecking Your Prepping Plans
Written by Cornelia Adams on The Prepper Journal.
Fear can be the ultimate motivator. People in a plane that is rapidly plummeting to the ground are suddenly motivated to clasp their hands together and hastily scream a prayer that they haven’t felt compelled to whisper since elementary school. Some live by the philosophy that without fear there would never be an opportunity to […]
The post 4 Tips to Keep Fear from Wrecking Your Prepping Plans appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
A Classic Piece of Outdoor Gear: The Walking Stick
When venturing into the wilderness, a constant companion for many is a walking stick, but most people don’t realize the potential for walking stick uses. Some folks just pick up a new stick each time they head down the trail, Read More
The post A Classic Piece of Outdoor Gear: The Walking Stick by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
weekend reading: fancy male birds, neonics and monarchs, antibiotic ‘aha’s’
I KNOW: This week’s reading list is heavy on news of the natural world, because that’s where my mind is: [read more…]
The post weekend reading: fancy male birds, neonics and monarchs, antibiotic ‘aha’s’ appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Feature Friday: Go Haus Go

I'm back today with a small house Feature Friday, Go Haus Go. Emily and her hubby live in Kentucky in a 900 s.f. 100 year old home. Well, actually they used to live in this house. Emily has just recently announced she is pregnant with twin boys and they are renting this house out and moved into a larger house to get ready for the babies in May.
That's pretty tiny by today's standards and they have done a great job making it over into a cozy home. I'm sure when they do sell this house that they next homeowners will love it. It's adorable!
The post Feature Friday: Go Haus Go appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
What Is Hemp Dogbane: How To Get Rid Of Dogbane Weeds

Snow Mold Fungus: Learn About Snow Mold Control

Iris’s Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

My mom has been making this chicken noodle soup for as long as I can remember and it is super tasty. Much better than the canned variety, I can assure you! And it is so simple and easy. I posted a pic on Instagram and Facebook recently and several asked for the recipe, so here you go.
Now, keep in mind that my mom never measures anything. She just makes things for years and knows how to do it in her head. So finding out the exact measurements for any of these recipes is a little tricky.
The post Iris’s Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Worst Case Scenario: Taking Back Your Home From Intruders, Part 1
Those of us in the preparedness game spend lots of hours and lots of dollars preparing for any likely disaster. Food, water, power, communications, and many other topics fill our minds and fuel our plans. We all consider our well-prepared Read More
The post Worst Case Scenario: Taking Back Your Home From Intruders, Part 1 by Jim Acosta appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Coming this Saturday: Learn to spin yarn in this FREE webinar!
Join expert knitter/spinner Beth Buck and me this coming Saturday, March 14, for a free webinar all about spinning yarn! Learn to spin yarn from a pro! Beth recently wrote about getting started with spinning and in this webinar, she Read More
The post Coming this Saturday: Learn to spin yarn in this FREE webinar! by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Eggplant Spacing: How Far Apart To Space Eggplant

Care Of Twinspur Diascia: Tips For Growing Twinspur Flowers

6 Necessary Knitting and Crochet Notions That Won’t Break Your Budget
Over the years I have found that just a few, small items help me with my knitting projects. You can find these at stores like Jo-Ann, Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, and similar stores. I’ve included Amazon links here so you can Read More
The post 6 Necessary Knitting and Crochet Notions That Won’t Break Your Budget by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Splitting Pomegranate Fruit: Reasons Pomegranates Split Open On The Tree

how to start seeds: 18 confidence-building tips
BECOMING a confident seed starter unlocks a garden of possibilities; you can try your hand at anything offered in any [read more…]
The post how to start seeds: 18 confidence-building tips appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Fashion Over 50: Casual Jeans Outfits

This week, I'm doing my fashion over 50 post a day early.
Most of the time, I'm not dressing up all that much anymore and when I'm going out shopping or for a casual outing, I often go to my old standby, jeans. Jeans have always been a fashion staple for me and I love the versatility of jeans and how they can be dressed up or down. Most of the time, I'm wearing them with flats or boots and today I'm sharing a few casual skinny jeans with flats look. I like to change up my tops, pairing them with jewelry or scarves and it's so easy to come up with so many different combos of jeans, tops, accessories and shoes. Flats are my friend these days and I have quite a few of them.
The post Fashion Over 50: Casual Jeans Outfits appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Self Defense for Women & Kids: Practical tips, smart strategies
No one wants to live in fear. Being prepared for any situation doesn’t mean we live in fear. It means we fear less because we are ready for whatever may come. This includes situations when self defense for women and Read More
The post Self Defense for Women & Kids: Practical tips, smart strategies by Teraesa Farrell appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Monday, March 9, 2015
Spacing Watermelon Plants: How Much Space Between Watermelons

Spinning Your Own Yarn: How to get started
Spinning is one of those skills that, once ubiquitous, has become something of a novelty. In the past, spinning your own yarn with a drop spindle or spinning wheel was as common as cooking dinner. Everybody used to spin. If Read More
The post Spinning Your Own Yarn: How to get started by Beth Buck appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
phenology: telling time by nature’s clock, with cary institute
IT’S ALL CONNECTED OUTDOORS, and the science of phenology can help us understand exactly how. Called “nature’s clock,” or “nature’s [read more…]
The post phenology: telling time by nature’s clock, with cary institute appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Office Organization and Decluttering

After moving in my house over 2 years ago, the one space that has been so hard to keep decluttered is my office. I just kept putting more and more things in there, that I would bring home from events and conferences. All sorts of stuff made its way into my office and the bookcase was just being overtaken by, shall I just say it....useless clutter. So, over time I just quit going in there. I am loving lounging on my living room sofa with my laptop, but I'd like to use my office again.
So, this spring I'm on a mission to declutter my office and make it more inviting, so that I'll want to spend time in there again. It's such a pretty room and I need to take advantage of it. Decluttering will definitely help the feel in there and I'm also going to lighten up some of the furniture. That room doesn't get a ton of light, so painting a couple pieces of the furniture will lighten it up a lot.
The post Office Organization and Decluttering appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
15 Things I learned from One Second After & My Survival Tips
I didn’t want to read One Second After by William R. Forstchen. I knew it was a dismal and depressing book, so I procrastinated. The book describes life in a North Carolina town following an EMP attack, which permanently shuts down Read More
The post 15 Things I learned from One Second After & My Survival Tips by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Prepping Your Spouse for Prepping
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
How many of you have ever tried to convince your spouse to do something that was outside of their comfort zone? Did you have a lot of success? When we have these partners in our lives, we try to share most if not all of our lifestyle with our significant other. This accomplishes two goals. […]
The post Prepping Your Spouse for Prepping appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Prepper Conventions: List Your Event For Free
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
Do you have a prepper convention you want to advertise? Are you looking to share knowledge and tips with interested preppers in your area? What better place than the Prepper Journal? The Prepper Convention page on our site is a new way for preppers to find prepper shows and conferences in their local area. As […]
The post Prepper Conventions: List Your Event For Free appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Friday, March 6, 2015
cracking up: confessions of a winter-weary gardener and her wall
THE SKY ISN’T FALLING, but the living room wall is. I’m cracking up from too much winter, one slab of [read more…]
The post cracking up: confessions of a winter-weary gardener and her wall appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Prepping on a Budget
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
One excuse that some people use for not beginning to prepare for disasters is the cost. They look at shows like Doomsday Preppers or view the advertisements on prepping or survival blogs and start mentally calculating the costs of everything they need in their head. When you look at Prepping or being prepared as a […]
The post Prepping on a Budget appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Feature Friday: It’s Great to Be Home

I recently found Liz at It's Great to Be Home and had never visited her beautiful blog, but she has been blogging away for several years. I was simply amazed that this lawyer turned house flipper had managed to flip so many beautiful homes along the way and got totally immersed in looking at the Before and After photos of the 10 (yes, 10!) flip houses on her blog.
She and her hubby have been flipping house and selling real estate for a few years now and that is her full-time job. They managed to renovate their own 1960's home in the process and that's the one I'm sharing today, but you've got to visit her flip house pages too. They are all beautiful and inspiring! Liz has a wealth of knowledge on buying fixer upper houses and her results are stunning!
The post Feature Friday: It’s Great to Be Home appeared first on Southern Hospitality.