Sunday, March 8, 2015

Office Organization and Decluttering

office shelves

After moving in my house over 2 years ago, the one space that has been so hard to keep decluttered is my office. I just kept putting more and more things in there, that I would bring home from events and conferences. All sorts of stuff made its way into my office and the bookcase was just being overtaken by, shall I just say it....useless clutter. So, over time I just quit going in there. I am loving lounging on my living room sofa with my laptop, but I'd like to use my office again.

So, this spring I'm on a mission to declutter my office and make it more inviting, so that I'll want to spend time in there again. It's such a pretty room and I need to take advantage of it. Decluttering will definitely help the feel in there and I'm also going to lighten up some of the furniture. That room doesn't get a ton of light, so painting a couple pieces of the furniture will lighten it up a lot.

The post Office Organization and Decluttering appeared first on Southern Hospitality.

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