Thursday, April 30, 2015
Are Bell Pepper Lobes An Indicator Of Pepper Plant Gender And Seed Production?

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for Prepper Moms
Written by Elizabeth on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: The following guest article has been generously contributed by Elizabeth. This is an article for the kids. So I’m not all that big into Mother’s Day. I tell my kids that I’m perfectly o.k. with it if they’re nice to me on any given day of the year, they don’t have to wait […]
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Heat And Drought Tolerant Perennials: What Are Some Drought Tolerant Plants With Color

Hanging Support For Tomatoes – How To String Up Tomato Plants Overhead

Guatemala Rhubarb – Tips For Growing Coral Plants

may garden chores
REMEMBER, amid the frenzy: There is nothing wrong that some good-quality mulch won’t improve visually (while helping build soil beneath [read more…]
The post may garden chores appeared first on A Way To Garden.
In the Kitchen with Blue Apron

Meal planning is one of those ongoing things that we have to do in life. Eating and planning meals is a daily event for all of us.
It's not often that I have my mom and dad over to eat. My dad is a little picky and he is so used to my mom's food and cooking habits that he doesn't really like to eat out of the ordinary food all that much. We chuckle over this in our family, because we know how dad is. He's not one for new things. He adores my mom's cooking and that's where he would rather eat most all the time. Of course, she on the other hand, would like a break occasionally. My sister and I try to go over there about once a week to have lunch with them. They love that, of course and we do too. Mom has always cooked a big meal at lunch time and continues to cook meals for them every day. Cooking has always been her thing.
The post In the Kitchen with Blue Apron appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Controlling Rose Pests: Tips For Managing Rose Curculio Weevils

Best Drought Tolerant Ground Covers: Heat Loving Ground Cover Plants For Gardens

Normalcy Bias: It’s All in Your Head
Human bodies don’t normally fly through the air, and I didn’t expect a real life lesson in normalcy bias, but last year that’s exactly what I witnessed while waiting for a red light to turn green. I was sitting in Read More
The post Normalcy Bias: It’s All in Your Head by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Summer On a Plate: 13 Light, Delicious Recipes
A morning smoothie greets me just about every day. I love combining fruit, almond milk, nuts, cottage cheese (yep! It blends up great!), and other flavors. I never quite know what my final result will be. I want to share Read More
The post Summer On a Plate: 13 Light, Delicious Recipes by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
self-sowns and overgrowns: use-what-you’ve-got gardening
I KEEP SAYING: Eliminate the polka-dot look of onesies by repeating the best plants. Happily that doesn’t always mean big [read more…]
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Fashion over 50: Casual Pants & Tops

If you haven't figured out how I share these fashion posts, it's really whatever I'm putting on from week to week that I end up sharing here with y'all. Many days I don't get dressed up that much, so when I do, I take pics and here you go....Fashion over 50! I usually am going out on the weekends, from dates, to getting together with girlfriends to family activities. My summer clothes rotate between casual jeans and pants and all the different tops I have in my closet, so it's fun to mix things up and use different tops and jackets together that I haven't done before.
The post Fashion over 50: Casual Pants & Tops appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Drought Tolerant Ornamental Grasses: Is There An Ornamental Grass That Resists Drought

Japanese Aucuba Propagation – How To Root Aucuba Cuttings

Harvesting Oranges: Learn When And How To Pick An Orange

18 Brilliant Home Organization Tips: The Struggle Continues!
Yes, it sounds like the title of a National Geographic documentary, delving into the plight of some animal near extinction. Is your dream of home organization near extinction? I understand. There are days you may want to be on the endangered Read More
The post 18 Brilliant Home Organization Tips: The Struggle Continues! by Erin Foster appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
How Much Cash Should You Have If the Grid Goes Down?
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
It is the final backup plan for a lot of us in the case of a disaster. A generous supply of cold hard cash to buy our way out of trouble, pick up as many last-minute supplies as possible or to acquire resources that are unavailable to anyone with a credit card in a world […]
The post How Much Cash Should You Have If the Grid Goes Down? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Worm Bin Escape: Preventing Worms From Escaping Vermicompost

Painting Shelves and Bookshelf

When I shared my newly painted Ballard shelves and the yardsale bookcase's 2nd renovation, I mentioned that I was using a new paint on them. It was a fun project to complete, so I'll share that process with you.
The post Painting Shelves and Bookshelf appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
doodle by andre: horny birds
AS I HAVE MENTIONED: Forget about Angry Birds; my yard is full of Horny Birds this spring. And when I [read more…]
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Monday, April 27, 2015
Partridge Flower Info: Growing Partridge Feather Flowers

Best Drought Tolerant Annuals: Choosing Drought Tolerant Annuals For Containers & Gardens

What Is A Sandbox Tree: Information About Sandbox Tree Exploding Seeds

Tundra Gardening Information: Can You Grow Plants In The Tundra

Smart and Effective Ways to Teach Children about Preparedness and Survival
Written by Julie Ellis on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: This post was generously contributed by Julie Ellis. Teaching children to care about and understand the need for disaster preparedness and the development of survival skills is a complex task. First, one must maintain an understanding of the emotional maturity, attention span, and worldly understanding of the child with whom they are dealing. […]
The post Smart and Effective Ways to Teach Children about Preparedness and Survival appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Dogwood Leaf Drop: Reasons Why Leaves Are Falling Off Dogwood

Iron Deficiency Of Roses: Iron Deficiency Symptoms In Rose Bushes

Drought Tolerant Herbs: How To Grow Drought Hardy Herbs

New and Improved Living Room Inspiration!

Sometimes it takes trial and error and time to get a room where we want it to be. Rooms are not built overnight, are they?
After sharing that I was doing a major revamp in my living room, I'm happy to say it's finally finished (for now!). When I posted the changes I was making a few weeks ago, I got some pretty strong opinions on my living room and when I read that feedback, it was just the kick in the pants I needed to take a good look at my room. I realized that I did need to move some furniture around and make some much needed changes. I made decisions when I moved in the house on which pieces of furniture to place where and it was time to rethink all of that.
Getting new windows in the downstairs den also prompted some moving of furniture and I switched a couple of pieces from those 2 rooms. The result is a much more cohesive living room and den and I'm excited to share the end result of the living room.
The post New and Improved Living Room Inspiration! appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Mason Jar Soil Test – Tips For Taking A Soil Texture Jar Test

a plant i’d order: darmera peltata, a shady western native
SOON DARMERA PELTATA will send up its big green umbrella-like leaves, but on recent April days when I needed a [read more…]
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the tick-borne disease equation, with dr. rick ostfeld of cary institute
KNOW THY ENEMY, right? But how much (beyond the general fear and loathing) do you actually know about ticks? For [read more…]
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Saturday, April 25, 2015
Avocado Tree Cuttings: Tips For Avocado Propagating By Cuttings
Mentzelia Plant Info – Learn About Blazing Star Plants And Care

Care Of Sneezeweed: Tips For Growing Sneezeweed Wildflowers

Urn Shaped Gentian: Where Does Urn Gentian Grow
Defeating Looters: Podcast Interview on Modern Combat & Survival
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
I was honored to be invited to share my thoughts with Jeff Anderson of Modern Combat and Survival on his podcast this week to discuss a topic that is near and dear to many preppers out there. When it all starts to go sideways and the worst comes out in people…What are the best strategies […]
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Campfire Cooking: A Skill to Practice Now!
I’d be willing to bet that most of you reading this have at least made s’mores, perhaps even heated up a hot dog or two, around a campfire. Fun stuff, no doubt about it. But, there’s a whole lot more Read More
The post Campfire Cooking: A Skill to Practice Now! by Jim Cobb appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Friday, April 24, 2015
Drought Tolerant Lawn Grass: Is There A Drought Tolerant Grass For Lawns

Rooting Rose Cuttings: Can You Grow Rose Cuttings In A Potato

Planting A Pumpkin On A Trellis: Tips On How To Make A Pumpkin Trellis

What Is Self-Fruitful In Gardens: Learn About Self-Pollinating Fruit

Wood Sage Wildflowers: Growing Germander Wood Sage Plants

Emergency Kit Necessities: Surviving a Disaster in the City
Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.
Imagine a post-apocalyptic scenario in which you have access to all of the resources you could possibly need, but there are hundreds of thousands of other civilians battling for the same supplies; when the scenario is life or death, the potential havoc wreaked by the people could be as dangerous as the disaster itself and […]
The post Emergency Kit Necessities: Surviving a Disaster in the City appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Feature Friday: HGTV Smart Home: Austin, TX

It has been my pleasure to visit several HGTV homes over the course of my time blogging and this might be the 4th one I've visited in person. The team that does these homes is amazing and I always come away with a new appreciate for design elements and new innovative ideas that you don't see everywhere else. From the Dream home to the Smart home, HGTV's design team always knocks it out of the park.
It was a real treat to get to visit the HGTV Smart home in Austin, TX a couple of weeks ago. I do have to pinch myself sometimes when I get to do fun trips like this and experience meeting so many great people. This HGTV Smart home will be another giveaway project, so be sure to sign up for that (twice a day)! Dubbed the Modern Farmhouse, the 2015 Smart home is quite impressive. You can read all about the behind the scenes of this Smart home on that link too.
The post Feature Friday: HGTV Smart Home: Austin, TX appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Prepping Supplies?
You’ve heard it a million times, “Why spend money on prepping stuff you’ll never use?” Poor excuse! I use LOTS of the supplies initially purchased, “Just in case we’re out of power”, or “Just in case there’s a huge emergency.” Read More
The post Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Prepping Supplies? by Kris appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Planning an Edible Landscape
Make the most out of your yard by creating an edible landscape. Every March, I am consumed with spring fever and can barely wait to get outdoors and turn my winter laden yard into a fairy tale garden. This year, Read More
The post Planning an Edible Landscape by Brandy Schau Dibert appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Jerusalem Artichoke Weeds: How To Control Jerusalem Artichokes

How Many Off-Grid Cooking Methods Do You Have?
When you buy, or otherwise acquire, preparedness supplies, do you practice with them or are you a prep hoarder? I think I’ve been guilty of both, especially with off-grid cooking methods. Maybe you know what I mean. Preppers are notorious Read More
The post How Many Off-Grid Cooking Methods Do You Have? by AndreaUrban appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Skills Might Not Always be Better than Stuff
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
In the Prepping community there are some topics that draw familiar responses from people of all walks of life. Naturally I am guilty of throwing out my own clichéd responses to these core concepts from time to time – hopefully with enough of my own opinion in there, also hopefully unique enough to warrant someone […]
The post Skills Might Not Always be Better than Stuff appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Window Covering Choices

Back in 2012, when I finished my house renovation and moved in (finally), one of the decisions I was pondering back then was what kind of blinds or shades to put on my windows for privacy and sun control. It wasn't a hard choice for me, because I fell in love with bamboo Roman shades and knew that the texture and color would enhance my casual, but traditional style home.
Back 30 years ago when I moved in my very first house, there were limited choices on shades and blinds. We all remember the dreaded mini-blinds, don't we? That is exactly what I put in my first house, but thankfully the choices have broadened significantly since then.
The post Window Covering Choices appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Using Alcohol For Forced Bulbs – Keeping Amaryllis, Paperwhite and Other Bulbs Upright

Drought Resistant Vegetables: Growing Drought Tolerant Vegetables In Gardens

Fashion over 50: White Jeans

So, before I get started on today's fashion post, I have to comment on the Target Lilly Pulitzer fiasco! Well, let me clarify that. From Target's perspective it was a huge success and probably not considered a fiasco. But, to their shoppers it sure was!
Did any of you go to Target this past Sunday to check out and possibly buy something from Lilly? I'll admit that I was intrigued when I heard about the collaboration with Lilly Pulitzer and Target and since I love bright colors and summer outfits, I checked out the collection online that morning before I left for church. I saw a few things I wanted to check out. I never dreamed that it was already sold out!
The post Fashion over 50: White Jeans appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Celebrating During Crises
My family lived in Northern Alabama and experienced the April 2011 Tornado Outbreak. We saw one of the tornadoes from our front window. I worked clean up and recovery after the storms and the damage and loss was devastating for Read More
The post Celebrating During Crises by Amy Van Riper appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Prunus Spinosa Care: Tips For Growing A Blackthorn Tree

Hornbeam Varieties For Landscapes: Hornbeam Care And Growing Info

Is the U.S. Government Building the Terrorists they Need?
Written by Pat Henry on The Prepper Journal.
For a long time; I along with countless others who are better informed than me have wondered at the strange nature of our government actions upon the citizens they are supposed to represent and protect. If one didn’t know any better, it would seem that rather than being constituted to fight for the rights of […]
The post Is the U.S. Government Building the Terrorists they Need? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
16 things i know about growing tomatoes
FROM THE FIRST SEED SOWN to the last fruit stashed in the freezer, homegrown tomatoes are a labor of love. [read more…]
The post 16 things i know about growing tomatoes appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Acacia Tree Care: Information About Acacia Tree Types

Fruit Tree Pruning: How And When To Prune Fruit Trees

14 springtime water-garden care tips
ALGAE—especially tenacious filamentous string algaes or blanket weed—can quickly turn a water garden into a battleground. I have been enjoying, [read more…]
The post 14 springtime water-garden care tips appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Segreto Style

Old world style is beautiful and I see many homes with old world charm and all the details that go along with that. I don't have that kind of home myself, but I can't help but be captivated by these traditional types of homes with molding, beautiful finishes, and more. Always classic, these stunning homes never go out of style.
Leslie Sinclair, with Segreto Finishes, who is one of my regular commenters here on the blog, is a blogger, decorative artist and she is a published author with 2 books that I'm sure are coveted in the design world as works of art. These coffee table books are stunning, drawing your eye in to all the lovely finished rooms and decorations. I'm sharing Leslie's books today. She sent these to me to check out and review and they are just lovely, beautiful books. And they weight a ton too, so hefty coffee table books, they are.
The post Segreto Style appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
How To Grow A Houseplant From The Top Of A Pineapple
In 2008, when I was working at a preschool, the lead teacher decided to grow a pineapple houseplant. She was leading a unit on plants and thought it would be neat to grow the top of a pineapple in the classroom. Read More
The post How To Grow A Houseplant From The Top Of A Pineapple by Beth Buck appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Monday, April 20, 2015
Ideas For Story Garden: How To Make Storybook Gardens For Kids

WROL Risks for Women: Are you Prepared?
Written by Elizabeth on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: The following guest article has been generously contributed by Elizabeth. Still small voice. It doesn’t take much imagination to conjure a world without rule of law: My youngest is being held hostage by a crazed band of self-proclaimed ‘Freedom Fighters for the Defense of God.’ Even though I’m hungry, dirty and have a screaming […]
The post WROL Risks for Women: Are you Prepared? appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
Fruit Split Of Grapes: Reasons Why Grapes Are Cracking Open
Peyote Plant Info: What You Should Know About Growing Peyote Cactus

27 Important Things You Should Know About Saving Seeds
Saving seeds is both a science and an art. Here are 27 things I’ve learned about seed saving over the years. 1. Saving seeds helps preserve the genetic material of the plant varieties we have. Within the last 100 years, Read More
The post 27 Important Things You Should Know About Saving Seeds by The Survival Mom appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Can You Grow A Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree?

Sunday, April 19, 2015
Caring For Chocolate Cosmos Plants: Growing Chocolate Cosmos Flowers

Cuphea Plant Info: Growing And Caring For Bat Faced Plants

Visiting Austin, TX

As a blogger, I get so many fun opportunities to travel. I've been on a couple of trips lately and both have been really great, so I can't wait to share it with y'all. The first trip a couple of weeks ago was Austin, TX. I have never been to Austin, so that was a fun little trip for me and a great experience. I had heard all about Austin for a long time and it was fun to see it in person. This was a short trip, so I didn't see a lot of things, but I think I got a feel for Austin in the short time I was there. We crammed in as much as we could in a day and 1/2.
I was invited by Preen (the garden company) to meet up with some folks who would be seeing the HGTV Smart home in Austin. That was a treat too, so I'll share that with you later this week. Preen was a sponsor of the house (exterior garden areas) and the house did not disappoint.
The post Visiting Austin, TX appeared first on Southern Hospitality.
Good Plants For Dry Areas: Water Storing Features Of Desert Plants

how plants work, with linda chalker-scott
PLANTS ARE AMAZING. Why do rhododendron leaves curl in winter, or morning glory or bean vines wind cleverly around a [read more…]
The post how plants work, with linda chalker-scott appeared first on A Way To Garden.
Trimming Elderberry Plants: Learn About Pruning An Elderberry

Saturday, April 18, 2015
Cold Tolerance Of Avocado: Learn About Frost Tolerant Avocado Trees

Sprouting Seeds – An Essential Part of Your Food Storage Plan
Do you like sprouts? I had only ever eaten plain, long white mung bean sprouts from the grocery store and didn’t really care for them. Then I discovered home sprouting and the wide variety of seeds, beans, lentils and nuts Read More
The post Sprouting Seeds – An Essential Part of Your Food Storage Plan by Amy Van Riper appeared first on The Survival Mom. Be sure to check it out!
Growing Dogtooth Violets: Learn About Dogtooth Violet Trout Lily